Kayla has had a hard time with school work over the years. It took a very long time to teach her how to read, much longer than my other children. She also turned letters around and found math to be difficult. We started NR with her almost a year ago. Yesterday, 2 weeks into this school year, she came home so happy, saying that school was easier for her now. She’s on track with her reading, writing and math. Now she’ll have so many more options in life without learning disabilities. I’m so grateful! Oregon Mom
Jonathan had a traumatic brain injury when a logging truck hit us a few years ago. He changed from being happy before the accident to being angry, depressed and uncooperative after. He couldn’t do his school work anymore. Just reading for a few minutes caused so much eye strain that he quit reading. We did an NR program. Now, a few years later, he’s happy and cooperative again and can do his school work. It took a little while to catch up in school, but now he’s at grade level in all his classes. Thank you, Emily and Susan, for all your help as his NR practitioners! Joy
I started doing NR with my 5 year old daughter because she had huge problems focusing, and she was very impulsive. The changes happened slowly, but one day after a couple of months, I noticed that she wasn’t picking at her skin any more. She started sleeping better too. Now, about 7 months after starting NR, she’s doing well in kindergarten. I’m relieved that we’re making progress! Veronica
I have been raising my granddaughter. Before we began doing NR exercises she had frequent melt downs that disrupted family life. She is only half way through her NR program, but already she is much happier. She doesn’t have melt downs very often. It’s been hard work, but so worth it! Ann
NR and RMT have helped me to have control of my impulses. I don't get mad as easily now , and I'm happy most of the time. 8-year-old boy